What is a PCC?

The fact is any relationship you build may be short term or for a lifetime. You get to decide. But what’s in it for you?

Postal Customer Councils or PCC for short can be either. You can gather what you want and move on, or you can get more involved and continue to grow your mailing knowledge, build long lasting relationships and stay on the top of your game. Career advancement, personal growth and relationships that last and impact you directly are all a part of the journey of PCC Partnership for a lifetime.

I ran into a PCC member last week and we started to chat about business and life, and I was reminded of something very important: Without the PCC I would have never met this man and he has been a mentor, a friend, a business advocate and an industry professional that I can count on. I asked him what his favorite PCC memory and he said: “I remember the first PCC meeting I attended, and I met the decision makers in my area. I couldn’t believe it when I was handed a cell phone number to call just in case I needed something one day! Didn’t think too much about it at the time but then came a day when I needed some help, and it was after hours. I dialed that number and when I called the voice on the other end said what can I help you with.”

So how did it turn out? This member got the help he needed based on a promise given a long time before. That’s one of the advantages of the PCC partnership. Industry called and postal answered.

PCC’s have been around for over 50 years. Why? Because we have the Each One – Reach One mentality. There is no postal or industry because in PCC land we know that our relationships are about growth and opportunity no matter who signs our paycheck.

Add in the education, networking, business development and it all comes down to the relationship. The PCC relationship. We grow together as one team so everyone can advance. That’s why I am a PCC member for a lifetime.

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